Cat's Eye Nebula Adalah

When a Sun-like star nears the.
Cat's eye nebula adalah. Antara nebula yang wujud ialah. Nebula Mata Kucing terletak sekitar tiga ribu tahun cahaya dari Bumi. My image may give the false impression that it is very large however The Cats Eye is actually the bright core of a much larger complex but you really need a much larger telescope than I have to do.
Ant Nebula Nebula Semut. The Cats Eye is one of the most structurally complex nebulae known. Horse Head Nebula Nebula Kepala Kuda.
The Cats Eye Nebula is also known as NGC6543. Astronomer memberi nama benda angkasa ini Cats Eye Nebula Nebula Mata Kucing karena memang warnanya yang hijau dan bentuknya yang bulat seperti mata kucing. No two look alike.
The 8th-magnitude nebula is located about halfway between the stars delta δ and zeta ζ Draconis. The Cats Eye Nebula. The Cats Eye Nebula NGC 6543 is a planetary nebula in the northern constellation Draco discovered by William Herschel on February 15 1786.
Nebula ini ditemukan oleh william herschel pada tanggal 15 februari 1786. The Cats Eye is the only planetary nebula among the winding stars of the constellation Draco which lies between the Big and Little Dippers. There is a hint of cocentric circles visible around the core they are real phenomen coused by polarized light from the nebula.
Struktur nebula ini merupakan salah satu struktur nebula paling kompleks yang pernah diketahui. View profile Send private message Share. Two color chemes HST Palette as S-IIRed H-aGreen and O-IIIBlue.