Amount per day (cups/grams) 5 lb (2,3 kg) 1/2 cup (50 g) 10 lb (4,5 kg) 1 cup (100 g) 15 lb (6,8 kg) 1 1/4 cups (130 g) 20 lb (9,1 kg) 1 2/3 cups (170 g) 30 lb (14 kg) 2 1/4 cups (230 g) 40 lb (18 kg) 2 2/3 cups (270 g) 50 lb (23 kg) 3 1/4 cups (330 g) 60 lb (27 kg) 3 2/3 cups (375 g) 70 lb (32 kg) 4 cups (410 g) 80 lb (36 kg) 4 1/2 cups (460 g) 100 lb (45 kg) The best puppy food for your puppy’s first month of life is the milk from their mother. In general, small to medium breeds may be considered adults after about six months of age.
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