Extinct Animals Found Alive 2017

7 BaijiYangtze River Dophin The baiji were dolphins found exclusively in the Yangtze River.
Extinct animals found alive 2017. Extinct mammal found alive in Australia Posted on Saturday 16 December 2017 7 comments Finding a live crest-tailed mulgara came as something of a surprise. These dolphins were once plentiful but have been doomed by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam and the increased boat traffic. Eastern quolls were thought to have gone extinct on the Australian mainland more than 50 years ago.
These animals once believed to be extinct. At only around 6 meters in maximum size and swimming independently or in small groups its pretty easy to overlook these guys. It is one of the extinct animals.
The New Guinea highland wild dog the rarest and most ancient canine species in the world is a distant relative of the Australian dingo that went extinct 50 years ago. The last known member of this species was captured in 1933 and eventually died in a zoo. Nonetheless researchers say recent studies show that Pygmy Right Whale qualifies as a living fossil because most of its family lineage went extinct millions of years ago.
22 species were also recorded whose presence in Honduras had previously been unknown including the endangered Great Green Macaw and a livebearing fish that scientists have only now discovered. The Tasmanian tiger a carnivorous marsupial that looks like a species of dog is supposedly extinct. This has included the False Tree Coral Snake the pale-faced bat and a tiger beetle which many had thought was already extinct.
A team working in Sturt National Park to bring back locally extinct species unexpectedly found one that wasnt on the list the crest-tailed mulgara Dasycercus cristicauda a tiny carnivorous marsupial with a unique ability to survive in dry deserts. The crested gecko went AWOL for many decades and was believed to be extinct until it was found in. A team of herpetologists recently announced the discovery of a lifetimefour Albany adders alive and well.
However this whale species is quite alive and not at all extinct. Researchers from the GWCs Search for Lost Species program found a population of the tiny animals in Djibouti the first found since 1968. Since then the all-star species was feared extinct until two specimens popped up on Ebay in 2018 one of which sold for over 9000.