Different Types Of Cats In The Wild

Bobcats are great companion cats among the list of wild cats but these cats also have the brute strength to kill an adult human though no such incidents have been reported so far.
Different types of cats in the wild. And seven species of wild cats are listed as Near Threatened. If its actual wild cat breeds youre looking for which is to say cats that are not pets live in the wild and would sooner eat you than let you pet them here is a quick list. For example the ancient Egyptians believed cats were the sacred or special animal of a goddess named Bast.
The wild cats known to us are. Some of the shared attributes. Several wild cats are endangered including perhaps the best-known wild cat of all.
The ones kept as pets today started showing up in artwork thousands of years ago. Types Of Cats In India. Pumas also called mountain lions and cougars in Florida and in the eastern States of North America.
Additionally many comparatively small animals including eagles snakes venomous and constrictors hawks and owls hunt cats for food. Differences aside genome sequencing reveals that tigers and housecats share around 95 percent of the same DNA. Cat pedigrees are divided into two major categories long-haired cats and short-haired cats.
These are the 40 know species of wild cats and the domestic cat felis catus Click on the name or photo for more info. More on Wild Cats. Similarities Between Wild and Domestic Cats.
Types Of Cats With Pictures. However it is home to very interesting smaller wild cats. Additionally all cats are carnivores and excluding lions who hunt in groups are all solitary predators that stalk or ambush their prey.