Cats Eyes Watering And Squinting

Cat flu caused by feline calicivirus or herpesvirus is another common cause of watery eyes in cats.
Cats eyes watering and squinting. There are many different reasons why cats may squint with one eye. In healthy cats squinting is a normal part of communication and he is telling you he is relaxed and trusts you when the light suddenly increases before the pupils have time to constrict. Cats do not produce tears for emotional reasons so the problem with cat eye-watering and squinting is physical.
Watery eyes also known as epiphora is an abnormal overflow of liquid from a cats eyes. Your cat could have a foreign body trapped and irritating the eye or a blocked nasolacrimal duct tear duct. This article will help you determine when to see the vet for eye discharge in cats or if you can just wait and see what happens.
When not treated this could cause blindness or vision loss. Sometimes watery eyes are the only symptom. Sometimes that watery discharge is a sign that your cats eyes are in full fight mode against a threat to their health.
Watery tearing eyes epiphora. The most common cause for this is that she has picked up a contagious upper respiratory infection. Blepharitis and conjunctivitis may be caused by physical traumatic injury to the eyelids or conjunctiva.
Ok it is possible he did get an irritant in the eye a possible corneal scratch or having an episode of Feline Herpes where they get a watery eye and slight conjunctivitis You can rinse eye with a sterile Eye wash or plain saline solution. Eye pain may make the animal very sensitive to light and the cat may try to avoid bright light. Some of these conditions are more serious than others but almost all of them need treatment by a vet.
Cat Veterinarian replied 6 days ago. Squinting in one eye is commonly caused by trauma. Epiphora could develop in cats eyes due to many reasons including structural deformities at birth.